如果现在不黑他,将来肯定会被别人利用。 作为曾经的阿森纳球迷,对厄齐尔印象还是不错的。这个赛季初阿森纳的种种表现也说明厄齐尔依然是个有能力的球员。所以,在评价厄齐尔的时候,我尽量客观。 但说到人品,恐怕没有人比得起厄齐尔了… 他跟海廷加一样,都是那种人畜无害的性格。这种性格使得他们在足球场上很难成为敌人。当然,在场上场下,他们也都不是那种能吸引眼球的新闻素材。
当记者问他如何评价曼联时,他从容地反问道:“You mean Man Utd the team or Man Utd the city?” 当被问到关于国际足联的调查新闻时,他坦然自若地说,“It's part of football and I have to deal with it. There are a lot of allegations and stories out there that you can read about in newspapers but I am not interested in reading them because they don’t affect me or my team.” 而当他被问到关于“皇马是不是有意把贝尔卖给热刺来逼贝尔续约”的问题时,更是表现出超乎寻常的冷静睿智—— “There is no secret agenda. I know that Harry [Wenger] and the club will do everything to keep him happy here.... We all know what kind of player he is, how he makes our game easy at times and how important he is for us. He has been brilliant this season again so we are happy to have him.”
这样的回答,试问有谁能料到? 作为一个外国球员,能够在英语如此流利,且表达如此条理清晰,逻辑分明,真是让人佩服得五体投地…… 这么聪明而又温文尔雅的人怎么可能不是个好球员呢?