

有的,叫Moody's,是Moody's Corporation旗下的一个子公司,专门做企业征信的。 网址:www.moodys.com

下面是他们网站上的介绍: Moody’s Investors Service, a subsidiary of Moody’s Corporation and one of the “Big Three” credit rating agencies along with Standard & Poor’s and Fitch Ratings, was founded in 1909 to provide investors with independent assessment of creditworthiness. Today our global team of experts delivers timely financial market intelligence about approximately 45,000 public and private issuers located throughout the world, helping them to manage risk and make informed business decisions. In addition to ratings, we offer a wide range of advisory services and comprehensive data solutions through Moodys Analytics.


他们和穆迪(Moody's)母公司区别开来,是为了遵守美国的法律(The Fair Credit Reporting Act) 。这个法律是政府规定金融机构不能只依赖三大评级机构的评级来决定贷款审批,而要同时参考Junk Bond等级(JUNK BOND 是投资中非常低的档次了……相当于C级吧,更糟糕的是Junk Bond中的垃圾级)以及新起的Credit Report Agencies,因为后者的报告并不受上述法律限制。所以像Moody's这样独立运作可以在一定程度上规避法律风险。
