

谢邀! 这个问题太简单了,过去式,过去分词,现在时,现在完成时的读音一模一样,都一样读/ˈkʌz(ə)rɪŋ/。 你们是不是以为我要说过去式的单词读法啊?不不不,我要说的是过去的语法形式——过去式。 这个“形”读作/ˈkʌz(ə)rəs/。这是一个复数形式的动词,表示一个动作重复的发生,如:

1. They criticized us for coming late, but we justified our tardiness by explaining that there had been traffic congestion on the way to the stadium. 他们批评我们迟到,但我们解释道,前往体育场的路上了堵车,所以我们迟到了。(重复)

2. He has won five consecutive championships with his team. 他和他的团队连续五届夺冠。(重复)

3. She was born in Chicago and grew up in a working-class neighborhood. 她生于芝加哥,长在工人区。(重复)


如果句子中的谓语动词是持续性的,并且这个动作一直进行到现在,那么就用现在式;反之,如果用过去式。 比如:

4. I have studied English since I came to this country. 我来到这个国家之后一直在学英语。(延续到说话时间)

5. When he stopped to pick flowers, his dog ran away, and it wasn’t until later that evening when he found him. 他的狗跑到别处去了,直到那天傍晚他才找到它。(停止花痴)

6. The car has broken down again, and we are stuck in this town without transportation or cash. 车又坏了,我们被困在这个小镇上,身无分文,乘不上交通工具。(继续趴窝)
